PART 1:-                                                                                 What is Yoga?  
A combination of yoga. Meaning to add. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root YUJ. Its specialty is to combine body, mind and soul. Thus man is able to live a comfortable life without the hassle of connecting the activities of his internal body parts with the activities of the external body. Fellow can fall in love with them. What could be more peace of mind. This yoga can be done by anyone irrespective of race, caste, religion, language, class etc. irrespective of gender. Many people think that yoga means doing asanas and doing grain. But yoga has eight elements besides these two. This is called the Ashtanga Yoga path.
     Ashtanga Yoga :
  Ashtanga Yoga are basically 8 types     

1.YAMAMU(Social Discipline)
 2. NIYAMAMU(Individual Discipline)
3. Asana (Postures )
 4. PRANAYAMAMU(Breath Control )
5.PRATHYAHARAMU(Discipline of the Senses )
6.DHARANA( Concentration ) 
    The first four of these are called antecedents and the rest are called antarangas (interiors).
πŸ‘‰This training should be taken thoroughly. Because it is like an operation that the doctor gives to the patient. 
πŸ‘‰Yoga that is not fully acquired can lead to the acquisition of insignificant consciousness and the possibility of abusing it. 
πŸ‘‰This can be a bit inconvenient at the beginning of training. This is because when listening, thinking about the past life can cause tension in the mind. 
πŸ‘‰But that is temporary. The first half is full of depressing feelings.
πŸ‘‰  The second half is dynamic. Initially some of the disorders may come out. That is the best feature. 
πŸ‘‰There is no need to be afraid. Changing dietary rules can cause our taste glands to become resistant to immaturity. That is natural. 
πŸ‘‰The rules that the teacher tells the class to follow must be followed one hundred percent. No exceptions should be sought.  πŸ‘‰People with chronic disorders should not stop taking the medication all at once. Gradually reduce as instructed by the teacher and leave after gaining complete confidence. 
πŸ‘‰However, medications should always be approached in case of emergencies. Medications are mandatory only for infections. Should be used. There will be physical and mental conflict for some time after the training is completed. This is natural, no doubt about it. 
πŸ‘‰Such a situation may arise during the treaty period when we are accustomed to the physical life up to that point and then give it up and move on to another life. meditations after training should not be based on 100% immaturity. Because if we do not use the energy generated by this, it will become very boring.
      Note: Those who do yogasanas and yoga exercises should be careful while keeping the following points in mind.

 πŸ‘‰ Yogasanas, yoga exercises should be done before the time. Facial cleansing should be done.  
πŸ‘‰ Practice in a well-ventilated, well-lit, quiet place. 
 πŸ‘‰ Do not drink or eat anything before practice. Should be kept as a stool.
 πŸ‘‰Practice experience, feel, stay and learn yogasanas from a teacher who can teach well. Yoga exercises should be done. This is an important note not to forget.
 πŸ‘‰After yoga practice, breathe in, relax and drink plenty of lukewarm water. If possible, drink a glass of bottle guard juice
πŸ‘‰ It is best to drink as much water as possible during normal times.
                        : OK LET'S START:
Pranayama is the scientific process of taking the mental level of man from the ordinary to the highest level. It is a technique invented by our ancient sages to control the mind. All aspects of human life are linked to this. Because human life begins with the breath. Ends with the breath. The mother cannot breathe independently while the baby is in the womb. The mother has a tube-like 'placenta' between the baby. This is the source of nutrients and vitality from mother to baby. As well as the impurities produced in the baby's body, carbon dioxide returns to the mother's body. As soon as the baby comes out of the mother's body, the connection between mother and baby is broken. Then the baby starts the first breath. Will carry it on for the rest of his life. Finally life ends with exhalation. A small percentage of it is released through the anus and a small percentage through the nostrils. That is why the anus is said to be the 'goddess of death'. Being able to bind the anus can stop the life force being released out. Pranayamamanaga: prana + ayamamu = pranayamamu. The process of regulating the life force is called 'pranayama'. The whole universe is Panchabhutalamayam. The five elements of earth, water, fire, air and sky are all over the universe. These are formed from one another. Drained from one another. For example land is drained by water. Water is consumed by fire. Again these all form in the same order. But there must be a force behind such changes. That energy is called life force. The Panchabhutas are full of life force. The life force is contained in the Panchabhutas. Just as there are Panchabhutas in the universe, there are also Panchabhutas in our body. Bones, muscles, are in the geology. Contains up to 70 percent water. The body is always at a certain temperature. The whole inside is airy. There will be a sky that allows the organs to be present. We also have the life force that drives these five worlds. Because without life the Panchabhutas could not move. Pranayama is to control the life force that guides the Panchabhutas! If we could discover these mysteries we would also know the life force movements in the universe. Just take oxygen  leaves carbon dioxide it is not pranayama.  Pranayama is the process of absorbing the life force and making the body organs function properly.  We usually take in air and let it out.  It happens mechanically effortlessly.  But we become a controlled action in pranayama.  There is a direct connection between our breath and the mind.  Breathing is erratic, irregular, and fast, so the mind is restless and confused.  If the breathing is regular, deep, long.  These are a kind of regular air-breathing and relaxing mind.  So Secret of our health lies in our breath.  Under normal circumstances our two nostrils will not be the same.  One works mostly and the second works less.  The right nostril works when we are excited and nervous.  Then our body temperature will be slightly higher than normal.  The left nose works when we are lazy.  Then our body temperature will be lower than normal.  Such an approach continues throughout the day.  At dusk, however, the two nostrils work equally well.  That is, the mind is in equilibrium at that time.  That is why Sandhyavandanam, Agnihotram, Japam and recitation are done during the time.  However if we can breathe regularly for two years the two breathing holes will work equally for 24 hours.  That is, the mind is completely in equilibrium.  Exhibit a difference in temperature.  So the right nostril is called 'Suryanadi' and the left nostril is called 'Chandranadi'.  Under normal circumstances we use only 30 to 35 percent of our lung capacity.  Scientifically speaking, only about 6,000 of the two lungs are inflated, and only about 2,000 of them are filled with good air.  Thus the body is only partially purified.  As a result, some parts of the body become life-threatening and suffer from disorders.  That is why bad blood flows into the brain and changes the way of thinking.  We use our lungs one hundred percent of our lung capacity during pranayama.  So all parts of the body become active.  Excess weight and unwanted fat in the body.  Interestingly, any animal in creation that breathes less will live longer. 
The number of our breaths gradually decreases as we do pranayama regularly. Thus life expectancy increases. You become Brahma yourself. The lifespan we have now will increase. There is nothing to doubt. Pranayama has four stages namely Puraka, Kumbhaka, Rechaka and Shunyaka. Being in a trance stimulates the nerves and increases memory. Pride is reduced by being in a vacuum. Reconciliation between body and mind occurs. Sickness is the only change in the vitality of the body. If an organ does not receive vitality, that organ gradually loses its function and becomes ill for a while. If an organ receives vital energy, it will gradually become diseased due to excessive exertion. By practicing pranayama regularly, the life force is absorbed from the place where there is a lot of life force and is given to the places where there is no life force and the body attains equality with the life force. Hence there is no mention of being sick. If pranayama is done regularly there will be many changes in the body and some sounds will come. The body is as light as a cotton ball. Or gaining weight up to a ton. Such a process is called 'levitation'. Supernatural powers come when the inanimate nerves in the human body can be activated by some. Two of the most important of them. They are 1) Ida 2) Pingala. These are the left and right nerves in the spine. Yoga energy is concentrated at its base. This is called 'Kundalini Shakti'. The fluid between the two nerves is called 'biofilm'. As it flows upwards, the energy flows from the source to the millennium and from the source to the co-essence. As this happens, the way of thinking of man changes. Finally the naked truth we need to know is that if man can conquer himself he has conquered the universe.  The basis of it is in the breath. "If the ignorant want to conquer the external world, the wise man wants to conquer himself". Pranayama is very necessary for this ..! Breath is like a mirror to our mind. The change in breath brings about a revolutionary change in our life and personality. Lifestyle changes.
              -  Exercises -
 1.Eye Exercise: 2. Neck Exercise 3. Shoulder Exercise: 4. Hand Exercise 5. Chest Exercises: 6. Waist Exercises 7. Off-Sit Exercises 8. Knee Exercises 9. Foot Exercises. 10.Bending Exercises 11. One Side Bending Exercises 12 Stretching Exercises
πŸ‘‰ And finally we can also do some Warm up Exercises....
            IN PART 2
We can learn about ....πŸ‘‰HOW TO DO PRANAYAMAM???????

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